Debugging Aid

describe obj &optional (stream *standard-output*) [function]

Describe prints the contents of an object slot by slot.

describe-list list &optional (stream *standard-output*) [function]

describes each element in list.

inspect obj [macro]

Inspect is the interactive version of describe. It accepts subcommands to print each slot of an object, to go deeper into a slot, or set a new value to a slot, etc. Use '?' command to see the subcommand menu.

more &rest forms [function]

After evaluating forms with the binding of *standard-output* to a temporary file, the temporary file is output to *standard-output* with Unix's 'more' command. More is useful to see a long output generated by functions like describe.

break &optional (prompt ":: ") [function]

Enters a break loop. Since the current binding context is in effect, local variables can be seen by prefixing "," to an input. To end break, type control-D.

help topic [function]

Help prints the brief description on the topic which is usually a function symbol. The help description has been created from the reference manual (this document). The environment variable LANG is referrenced to determine one of two reference manuals, Japanese or English. If LANG is constituted either with "ja", "JA", "jp", or "JP", Japanese is selected. Otherwise, English. This determination is made when EusLisp start up. The actual reading of the help document is made at the first time when the 'help' is invoked to save memory if unnecessary.

apropos key [function]

Apropos is useful when you forget the exact name of a function or a variable and you only know its partial or ambiguous name. It prints all the symbols whose symbol-names include the key as a substring. Case insensitive.

apropos-list key [function]

is similar to appropos but does no printing and returns the result as a list.

constants &optional (string "") (pkg *package*) [function]

lists every symbol in pkg which has defined constant and matches with string.

variables &optional (string "") (pkg *package*) [function]

lists every symbol in pkg which has global value assigned and matches with string.

functions &optional (string "") (pkg *package*) [function]

lists every symbol in pkg which has global function defined and matches with string.

btrace &optional (depth 10) [function]

prints call history of depth levels.

step-hook form env [function]

step form [function]
Step and trace work correctly only for functions, and not for macro or special forms.

trace &rest functions [function]

begins tracing of functions. Each time functions are called, their arguments and results are prited.

untrace &rest functions [function]

stops tracing.

timing count &rest forms [macro]

executes forms count times, and calculates time required for one execution of forms.

time function [macro]

begins measurement of time elapsed by function.

sys:list-all-catchers [function]

returns a list of all catch tags.

sys:list-all-instances aclass [scan-sub] [function]

scans in the overall heap, and collects all the instances of the specified class. If scan-sub is NIL, then instances of exactly the aclass are listed, otherwise, instances of aclass or its subclasses are collected.

sys:list-all-bindings [function]

scans bind stack, and returns a list of all the accessible value bindings.

sys:list-all-special-bindings [function]

scans the stack and list up all value bindings.

k-okada 2013-05-21