To get a drawing on a screen, four objects are needed:
(1) objects to be drawn, (2) a viewing which defines the viewing coordinates
and the projection, (3) a viewport for clipping in NDC and
the transformation from NDC to physical screen coordinates,
and (4) a viewsurface which performs drawing functions on
a physical display device.
A viewer object holds a viewing, a viewport and a viewsurface object,
and controls successive coordinates transformation.
Functions draw and hid described in section 17.5
use the instances of viewer.
viewer [class]
:super object
:slots (eye :type viewint)
(port :type viewport)
(surface :type viewsurface)
- defines the cascaded coordinates transformation from the viewing via
the viewport to the viewsurface.
:viewing &rest msg [method]
If msg is given, msg is sent to the viewing (eye) object,
Otherwise, the viewing (eye) object is returned.
:viewport &rest msg [method]
If msg is given, msg is sent to the viewport (port) object,
Otherwise, the viewport (port) object is returned.
:viewsurface &rest msg [method]
If msg is given, msg is sent to the viewsurface (surface) object,
Otherwise, the viewsurface (surface) object is returned.
:adjust-viewport [method]
When the size of viewsurface has been changed, :adjust-viewport
changes viewport transformation sending a proper message to port.
:resize width height [method]
changes the size of viewsurface by sending :resize message to the viewsurface
and :size message to viewport.
:draw-line-ndc p1 p2 &optional (do-clip t) [method]
draws a line whose two end points p1, p2 are defined in NDC.
:draw-polyline-ndc polylines [method]
draws polylines whose end points are defined in NDC.
:draw-star-ndc center &optional (size 0.01) [method]
draws a cross mark in NDC.
:draw-box-ndc low-left up-right [method]
draws a rectangle in NDC.
:draw-arc-ndc point width height angle1 angle2 [color] [method]
draws an arc in NDC.
The viewsurface object bound in this viewer must accept :arc message.
:draw-fill-arc-ndc point width height angle1 angle2 [color] [method]
draws a filled-arc in NDC.
:draw-string-ndc position string [color] [method]
draws string at position defined in NDC.
:draw-image-string-ndc position string [color] [method]
:draw-rectangle-ndc position width height [color] [method]
:draw-fill-rectangle-ndc point width height [color] [method]
:draw-line p1 p2 &optional (do-clip t) [method]
draws a line whose two end points p1, p2 are defined in the world
:draw-star position &optional (size 0.01) [method]
draws a cross at position located in the world.
:draw-box center &optional (size 0.01) [method]
draws a rectangular at centerin the world.
:draw-arrow p1 p2 [method]
draws an arrow from p1 to p2.
:draw-edge edge [method]
:draw-edge-image edge-image [method]
:draw-faces face-list &optional (normal-clip nil) [method]
:draw-body body &optional (normal-clip nil) [method]
:draw-axis coordinates &optional size [method]
draws coordinates axes whose length is size.
:draw &rest things [method]
draws 3D geometric objects.
If the object is a 3D float-vector, a small cross is drawn at the position.
If it is a list of 3D float-vectors, it is taken as a polyline.
If thing accepts :draw message,
the method is invoked with this viewer as its argument.
If the object defines :drawners method,
the :draw message is sent to the result of :drawners.
Line, edge, polygon, face, and body objects are drawn
by corresponding :draw-xxx methods defined in viewer.
:erase &rest things [method]
draws things with background color.
:init &key :viewing :viewport :viewsurface [method]
sets viewing, viewport and viewsurface to eye, port,
and surface slots of this viewer.
- creates a new viewer and pushes it in *viewers* list.