Image File I/O
"vision/pbmfile" defines functions to transfer
image data between EusLisp and disk files.
EusLisp can read and write pgm
(portable gray-scale map)
and ppm (portable pixmap) format files.
read-pnm f &optional buf0 buf1 buf2 [function]
reads a pgm or ppm file specified by file-stream f
and returns a pixel-image or color-pixel-image object.
The image file can be either in ascii (P2 and P3) or in binary (P5 and P6)
read-pnm-file file &optional buf0 buf1 buf2 [function]
reads a pgm or ppm file specified by filename file.
write-pgm f image &optional (depth 255) [function]
writes a pixel-image specified by image into f file-stream
in the binary ppm format.
write-ppm f image &optional (depth 255) [function]
writes a pixel-image specified by image into f file-stream
in the binary pgm format.
write-pnm f img [function]
writes a pixel-image specified by img into f file-stream.
If img is pixel-image, it is written in the binary pgm format.
If img is color-pixel-image, written in the binary
ppm format.
write-pnm-file file img [function]
writes the pixel-image specified by img into file.
image::read-raw-image file &optional (x 256) (y x) [function]
reads a raw-image file and returns a one-dimensional byte-vector (string).
The dimensions of the raw-image must match with give x and y.
image::write-raw-image file imgvec [function]
writes pixel-values stored in a byte vector (string), imgvec,
in file.