Text View Panel

TextViewPanel is an application window class to display text files (Fig. 19). The program text is shown to demonstrate how one of the simplest application windows is described. In the :create method, the quit button and find button, and a text-item to feed the string to be searched for in the file are created. The view-window is a ScrollTextWindow that displays the file with the vertical and horizontal scroll-bars. The TextViewPanel captures :ConfigureNotify event to resize the view-window when the outermost title window is resized by the window manager.

Figure 19: TextViewPanel window
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(defclass TextViewPanel :super panel
        :slots (quit-button find-button find-text view-window))

(defmethod TextViewPanel
 (:create (file &rest args &key (width 400) &allow-other-keys)
    (send-super* :create :width width args)
    (setq quit-button
          (send self :create-item panel-button "quit" self :quit))
    (setq find-button
          (send self :create-item panel-button "find" self :find))
    (setq find-text
          (send self :create-item text-item "find: " self :find))
    (setq view-window
            (send self :locate-item
                (instance ScrollTextWindow :create
                   :width (setq width (- (send self :width) 10))
                   :height (- (setq height (send self :height)) 38)
                   :scroll-bar t :horizontal-scroll-bar t
                   :map nil      :parent self)))
    (send view-window :read-file file))
 (:quit (event)  (send self :destroy))
 (:find (event)
    (let ((findstr (send find-text :value)) (found)
          (nlines (send view-window :nlines)))
        (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
            ((or (>= i nlines) found))
           (if (substringp findstr (send view-window :line i)) (setq found i)))
        (when found
           (send view-window :display-selection found)
           (send view-window :locate found))))
 (:resize (w h)
    (setq width w height h)
    (send view-window :resize (- w 10) (- h 38)))
 (:configureNotify (event)
   (let ((newwidth (send self :width))
         (newheight (send self :height)))
        (when (or (/= newwidth width) (/= newheight height))
          (send self :resize newwidth newheight)))  ) )

k-okada 2013-05-21