Message Sending

send object selector {arg}* [function]

send a message consisting of selector and arg to object. object can be anything but number. selector must be evaluated to be a keyword.

send-message target search selector {arg}* [function]

Low level primitive to implement send-super.

send* object selector &rest msg-list [macro]

send* applies send-message to a list of arguments. The relation between send and send* is like the one between funcall and apply, or list and list*.

send-all receivers selector &rest mesg [function]

sends the same message to all the receivers, and collects the result in a list.

send-super selector &rest msgs [macro]

sends msgs to self, but begins method searching at the superclass of the class where the method currently being executed is defined. It is an error to send-super outside a method (i.e. in a function).

send-super* selector &rest msg-list [macro]

send-super* is apply version of send-super.

k-okada 2013-05-21