There is no character type in EusLisp;
a character is represented by an integer.
In order to handle strings representing file names,
use pathnames described in 11.6.
digit-char-p ch [function]
T if ch is #0 through #9.
alpha-char-p ch [function]
T if ch is #A through #Z or
#a through #z.
upper-case-p ch [function]
T if ch is #A through #Z.
lower-case-p ch [function]
T if ch is #a through #z.
alphanumeric-p ch [function]
T if ch is #0 through #9,
#A through #Z
or #a through #z.
char-upcase ch [function]
convert the case of ch to upper.
char-downcase ch [function]
convert the case of ch to lower.
char string index [function]
returns indexth character in string.
schar string index [function]
extracts a character from string. Use schar only if the
type of string is definitely known and no type check is required.
stringp object [function]
string is a vector of bytes (integers less than 256).
string-upcase str &key start end [function]
converts str to upper case string and returns a new string.
string-downcase str &key start end [function]
converts str to lower case string and returns a new string.
nstring-upcase str [function]
converts str to upper case string destructively.
nstring-downcase str &key start end [function]
converts str to lower case string destructively.
string= str1 str2 &key start1 end1 start2 end2 [function]
T if str1 is equal to str2.
string= is case sensitive.
string-equal str1 str2 &key start1 end1 start2 end2 [function]
tests equality of str1 and str2.
string-equal is not case sensitive.
string object [function]
gets string notation of object. If object is a string, the object
is returned. If object is a symbol, its pname is copied and returned.
Note that (equal (string 'a) (symbol-pname 'a))==T, but
(eq (string 'a) (symbol-pname 'a))==NIL.
If object is number its string representation is returned
(this is incompatible with Common Lisp).
In order to get string representation for more complex objects,
use format with NIL in the first argument.
string str1 str2 [function]
string str1 str2 [function]
string str1 str2 [function]
string str1 str2 [function]
string-left-trim bag str [function]
string-right-trim bag str [function]
str is scanned from the left(or right),
and its elements are removed if
it is included in the bag list.
Once a character other than the ones in the bag is found,
further scan is aborted and the rest of str
is returned.
string-trim bag str [function]
Bag is a sequence of character codes.
A new copy of str which does not contain characters specified in bag
in its both end is made and returned.
substringp sub string [function]
T if string sub is contained in string as a substring.
Not case sensitive.