File-name generation

digits-string n digits &optional (base 10)) [function]

generates a string representing the integer n in n columns of digits. Zeros are padded before the number if n is too small to represent in digits.

sequential-file-name head num extension &optional (digits 4)) [function]

generates a filename string with an advancing number part. This is similar to gentemp, but differs in that an extension can be specified and the result is a string.

timed-file-name head extension &optional (dt (unix:localtime))) [function]

generates a filename string that consists of head, hour, minute, second, and extension. For example, (timed-file-name "img" "jpg") generates "img191015.jpg" at 7:10:15 pm.

dated-file-name head extension &optional (dt (unix:localtime))) [function]

generates a filename string formatted as "headyymmmdd.extension", where yy is the lower two digits of the year, mmm is the abbreviated month name, and dd is the date.

k-okada 2013-05-21