- 1986
- The first version of EusLisp ran on Unix-System5/Ustation-E20.
Fibonacci buddy memory management, simple compiler generating M68020
assembly code, and vector/matrix functions were tested.
- 1987
- The new fast type checking method is implemented.
The foreign language interface and the SunView interface were incorporated.
- 1988
- The compiler was changed to generate C programs as
intermediate code. Since the compiler became processor independent,
EusLisp was ported on Ultrix/VAX8800 and on SunOS3.5/Sun3 and /Sun4 .
IPC facility using socket streams was added.
The solid modeler was implemented.
Lots of Common Lisp features such as keyword parameters,
labeled print format to handle recursive data objects,
generic sequence functions,
readtables, tagbody, go, flet, and labels special forms, etc.,
were added.
- 1989
- The Xlib interface was introduced.
% read macro to read C-like mathematical expressions was made.
manipulator class is defined.
- 1990
- The XView interface was written by M.Inaba.
Ray tracer was written.
Solid modeler was modified to keep CSG operation history.
Asynchronous I/O was added.
- 1991
- The motion constraint program was written by H.Hirukawa.
Ported to DEC station.
Coordinates class changed to handle both 2D and 3D coordinate systems.
Body composition functions were enhanced to handle contacting objects.
CSG operation for contacting objects.
The package system became compatible with Common Lisp.
- 1992
- Face+ and face* for union and intersection of two coplanar faces
were added.
Image processing facility was added. The first completed reference manual
was printed and delivered.
- 1993
- EusLisp was stable.
- 1994
- Ported to Solaris 2. Multi-context implementation using
Solaris's multithread facility. XToolKit is built. Multi robot simulator,
MARS was written by Dr. Kuniyoshi. EusLisp organized session at RSJ 94,
in Fukuoka.
- 1995
- The second version of the reference manual is published.